Bibeg Limbu

ORCID: 0000-0002-1269-6864

External Links

Employment History

University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany 

I currently, since August 2023, work as a postdoc researcher at the "Computational Methods in Modeling and Analysis of Learning Processes" group in the department of Human-centred Computing and cognition within the Faculty of Computer Science in UDE. In this position, I am also working in a European Horizon project called AugMENTOR [Augmented Intelligence for Pedagogically Sustained Training and Education]. 

Technical University of Deflt, The Netherlands

I worked as a postdoc researcher at Center for education and learning at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, and Computer Science in TU Delft from August 2019-July, 2023. During this time, I led several research projects on multimodal immersive learning technologies, namely HoloLearn [Holographic Learning] and VR4VET [Virtual Reality for Vocational Education and Training].

Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Germany

I worked as an extern lecturer for serious games and gamification at Colongne Game Lab in TH Koeln from 2018-2021 where I designed and delivered a full master elective module on serious games design.

Open University of The Netherlands, The Netherlands

I worked as a PhD researcher at the Welten Institute in The Open University of The Netherlands from 2016-2020. My doctoral thesis titled "Multimodal Interactions for Deliberate Practice" is avialable here. During my PhD, I worked in a European Horizon 2022 project called WEKIT [Wearable Experience for Knowledge Intensive Traninig].

University of Luxembourg 

I worked as a research assistant at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology in the University of Luxembourg during my masters study from 2015-2016. I designed, developed, and researched collaborative tangible table-top games for assessing collaborative complex problem solving with a MicroDYN approach.


PhD in Educational Technology

I defended my PhD thesis titled "Multimodal Interactions for Deliberate Practice" at The Open University of the Netherlands on November 2020.

MSc in Educational Technology

I received my Msc degree in educational technology from The University of Saarland, Germany, on February 2016 having successfully defended my thesis titled "Tomb of Osiris: Gamifying the Assessment of Collaborative Complex Problem Solving Skills on Tangible Tabletops".

BSc in Games Technology

I received my Bsc degree in games technology from Anglia Ruskin University on July 2013 with a thesis titled "Motivating Programmers with Mobile Game-based Approach".

Diploma in Multimedia Technology

I received my Diploma in multimedia technology from Hales Institute Melbourne, Australia, on December 2010.


Kinematics: Analysis and Interpretation of Human Motion Data

I undertook a month long training for understanding, recording, analysing, and interpreting human motion data at TU Delft on March 2023.

University Teaching Qualifications | Basis Kwalificatie Onderwijs

I received my UTQ/BKO diploma from TU Delft, The Netherlands, on December 2022.

Intensive Residential Dutch Language and Communication Course

A three days onsite residential beginners Dutch language training held in Spa, Belgium by CERAN on April 2018.

Introduction to Academic Writing

Five weeks of training in fundamentals of academic writing at Maastricht University in December 2017

Deutsche als Fremdsprache

German language training course, Level A2/B1, at the University of Saarland, Germany, on March 2014.

Academic Memberships

Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) SIG

I am member of Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) special interests group (SIG) in the European Association of Technoloy Enhanced Learning (EA-TEL). I, with other members, organise various workshops revolving around the use of AI in education in Joint Technology Enhanced Learning Summer Schools (JTEL-SS) for new PhD students and researchers and other conferences.

Netherlands Research School for Information and Knowledge Systems

I have also been a member of the Dutch Research School SIKS since 2016.

Funding & Grants


We were successful in acquiring funds for the European Eramus+ project proposal "Virtual Reality for Vocational Education and Training" in collaboration with academic and vocational partners from Norway and Germany. This ongoing project focuses on the administrating VR interventions for career counselling in vocational domains.


Acquisition of funds for Project HoloLearn was also successfully and was funded by the Student Council of TU Delft. In this project, we explore the implications of using holograms to facilitate hybrid classrooms.


I was also involved, as a part of the MLX group, in successful acquisition of funds for the MILKI-PSY project. This German BMBF-funded research project “Multimodal Immersive Learning with Artificial Intelligence for Psychomotor Skills” combines latest developments in multimodal technologies and artificial intelligence in the context of sports and human-robot interaction.

Awards [and Nominations]